The Inc. Project aims to create a sustainable income stream and capacitate and formalise the participating networks of people who use drugs so that the networks are integrated into their communities and can inform the local health and policies affecting people who use drugs (and other stigmatised and excluded populations).
- A CDC-funded program for people who use drugs has been operating in Mpumalanga and is implemented by TBHIV Care.
- Driven by the significant efforts of the TBHIV Care site manager and social worker:
- A Network of people who use drugs is established
- A 5-hectare piece of land land use rights has been ceded to the network.
- The TBHIV Care site lead and social worker:
- Consulted with networks and the community.
- Initiated discussions with relevant organisations and secured their support.
- Secured the loan of heavy equipment, such as tractors, to clear land.
- Started investigating the options for income generation.
- CDC is providing SANPUD funds to oversee the continued development of the Network and the land.
The Land
The land in Schoemansdal where the project is being established. The photos show the CDC Country Director, Dr John Blandford, TB HIV Care CEO, Prof Harry Hausler, and CDC Key Populations Team Lead, Helen Savva, join the traditional leaders, site leaders and community members to celebrate the handover of the land.
Clearing the land |
With the land cleared, the next step was to secure storage for the materials to fence the relevant areas and the tools to work the land. A container was purchased, and another container converted into a site office will be delivered once the fence is installed
Fencing, Training, PPE and more |
The network members all received their protective clothing, and started training on how to install a fence. The training will last two weeks and the fence will be up and the network members will have a new skill.
Building Good FencesThe Schoemansdal Harmless Project has trained network members the skills needed to install the fence around the land to protect the crops from grazing cattle and illegal dumping. Through the process all the network members will have developed skills that can prepare them for the future as part of the workforce with needed skills.