After an initial teaser campaign that involved the collaboration of a wide range of partner networks, the Love Alliance is now officially launched! The alliance has come together to advance its agenda of love for all, by seeking to highlight the challenges that key populations it supports are faced with, and provide ways for these communities to reach out and get the support they need. In addition, the organisation is inviting all champions of human rights and advocates of harm reduction to join us as we highlight the issues faced by our growing global community. To find out how you can join and stand in solidarity, read on!
Kofi Annan, the late former General Secretary of the United Nations, believed “that drugs have destroyed many lives, but wrong government policies have destroyed many more”. The Sexual Offences Act, 2021 enacted by the Parliament of Uganda on Monday, 3rd May 2021 and awaiting presidential assent, is a prime example of dangerous government policies towards people who use drugs.
by Phumlani Malinga
Media can be a very effective way of turning the tide in addressing issues that affect people who use drugs. The recent media coverage which highlighted the fears about the presence of inappropriately discarded needles in certain areas was regional on print and radio. The use of focused media channels means the message can reach those affected directly and hopefully those in the same communities who may be interested and have different ideas. The Love Alliance is based on the premise that to end AIDS, the groups most affected by the epidemic need to be at the centre of the response. We build on existing evidence on the effectiveness of rights-based responses that focus on and meaningfully engage LGBTQI people, sex workers, people who use drugs, with specific attention for people living with HIV, women and young people within these communities. On May 11th, the start of the Love Alliance launch begins - and you're invited to participate!
June 2024