The International Network of People Who Use Drugs, together with the Rights Reporter Foundation, launches the #MoreThan Video Contest to promote a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate approach in presenting the lives of people who use drugs.
From November 16 to 24th, Harm Reduction International are hosting an online festival designed to bring people across the world together, to discuss drugs and harm reduction. The three key themes of the Constellations event will be SCIENCE, JUSTICE and PLEASURE. In addition to exploring innovative responses to HIV, hepatitis, overdose and OAT, key topics of CONSTELLATIONS will include racial justice, civil liberties, freedom and bodily autonomy, exploration of consciousness, and enjoyment. It's with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of former President Jorge Sampaio of Portugal, whose tireless work to reform drug laws saw Portugal become a model that forged the way forward toward rational and evidence-based drug policies. In the process, Portugal under his leadership went from having some of the highest drug dependency in Europe in the 1990s to radically reducing the incidence of drug harm in the country.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed the progress made in the global HIV, TB, and malaria responses for the first time in two decades according to the 2021 Results Report released by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. However, the adaptations and work by communities mitigated some of the worst effects of COVID-19, showing us a way forward on what needs to be prioritised in Global Fund programming.
June 2024